7. What’s yer name, boy?

TITLE 4 FLAG SAYS YOU’RE SCHWAG! The Sovereign Citizen’s Handbook
Copyclaim 2004-2010 J.M. Sovereign: Godsent

Chapter Keyword:

Affirmative Defense:

There is a big difference between a name and an appellation.
The Name: sound and visual symbols that exist simply to acknowledge and reference something that factually exists. In matters of law the way the name appears represents your social class. For example, regarding the origins of
modern language… In the time of the Phoenicians (phonetics) the use of lower case letters was reserved for the royalty and the use of upper case letters for slaves, hence the term, ”nom de guerre”.

“Nom de guerre” (F. war name): a fictitious name: Pseudonym
Third New International Dictionary of the English Language, Merriam-Webster, pg. 1534.
Since commercial enforcement is military, the name can still be considered a shield which protects the soft human soul from the harsh dealings and realities of the outside world. In modern context it can be considered a storefront or means of engaging in commerce with the world outside
the surface of your skin. We will show you how to do this in a later chapter.
Where the name appears in all caps, FIRST MIDDLE LAST, as on the Birth Certificate or driver’s license, it can be considered an artificial person and public like WALMART.
Look at it like a DBA business name. First-Middle: Last: (the real you) Doing Business as FIRST MIDDLE LAST the corporation. The first a fact, a real living, breathing, thinking human and the latter a fictional corporation franchisee of the UNITED STATES corporation or a privately owned business shield.
The Appellation: Your appellation on the other hand, is what we call you, it is a way for entities, in fact souls to identify with each other. Where the name appears on a record in proper English format in upper and lower case letters this can be considered a true Christian Appellation referencing the private human; like this: First-Middle: Last
“The omission of the Christian name by either plaintiff or
defendant in a legal process prevents the court from
acquiring jurisdiction, “
-Bouvier’s Law Dictionary, 8thed., pg. 2287
This means that corporations cannot lawfully bring suit against humans. But humans can bring suit against corporations.
According to the US government manual on styles and writings, where the name in the ALL CAPITAL LETTERS means that person is either DEAD or a CORPORATION.
There is also a very big difference between your autograph and your sign-ature.
The Autograph: Your autograph represents the character of the human soul. Your autograph is among your most valuable assets. It is not a good idea to autograph a contract without reserving your rights (which will be covered in the next section.) If you must carry a driver’s license you should get a new one with a reservation of rights above your autograph on the license itself. As a matter of fact it is wisest to reserve your rights in any agreement, just in case there is some small print that suggests waiver of your God given freedom.
The Sign-ature: Due to the nature of commercial law, a sign-ature is
considered an advertisement, a sign, for the business and when you “sign” your “name” on the dotted line or in the box, you are stating that your store is open and you are ready to take responsibility for delivery on the contract.

The Sovereign Citizen's Handbook

The ultimate legal self-defense training manual!

TITLE 4 FLAG SAYS YOU’RE SCHWAG! The Sovereign Citizen’s Handbook
Copyclaim 2004-2010 J.M. Sovereign: Godsent

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